FABIC Education & Learning supports professionals to develop the skills to provide LASTING behaviour change strategies and tools to their clients in workplaces, at home and in the community


FABIC Education & Learning (FEL)

Have you ever wanted to become a clinician and offer LASTING behaviour change, not just short-term relief and management-style strategies that at best offer short-term but rarely LASTING behaviour change? … Yes? … FEL certified programs offer just that!

FABIC Education & Learning (FEL) encompasses a range of behaviour study programs with rich content and a wide range of practical learning material. When this material is accurately applied in everyday life, FEL students will be able to support others with LASTING behaviour change.  

FABIC stands for Functional Assessment & Behaviour Interventions Clinic and all learning material is based on evidence-based Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA). The founding principles of FBA state that ‘every behaviour happens for a reason’ and it is the reason (function) of behaviour that requires addressing (via skills building) if we are to have LASTING change with any form of behaviour’ – and these principles are at the core of all our programs and learning material.

FEL offers online study programs that support the development of behaviour practitioners of and for life and FEL students are offered the steps required to become FABIC Certified Clinicians. 

On completion of their course/s, FEL students will receive FABIC Certification in their chosen area(s) of study.

FEL offers:

  1. FABIC Certified Clinician Pathways
  2. FABIC Certified Supervisor Pathways
  3. Individual Supervision
  4. Group Supervision


All FEL programs draw on and make reference to FABIC.TV and FABIC.Study, two online platforms, as well as the extensive FABIC range of books and behaviour change resources which are available via FABIC Publishing and the FABIC Online Shop.